

The term “Serizzo” indicates rocks generated by metamorphosis of sedimentary rocks or sediment, that create micacisti and paragneiss in particluar conditions of temperature and pressure.


The Serizzo is formed by metamorphosis of sandy- argillaceous sediments to a depth of about 7 km. Other rock types include specimens of quartzites and ortogneisses fissile. Their schistosity and their relatively high content of mica is characteristic of a tectonic style widely variable in time and space.

It comes from the old slang terms in use in the Southern Alps, especially in the regions of Piedmont and Ticino. So it is not a descriptive term of petrographic, and it is sometimes used as a synonym for “granite”, “ghiandone” or ” gneiss “, all granitic rocks more or less metamorphosed.

It is rock widely used for its mechanical characteristics and the wide availability of forms.

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