The granite, whose name derives from the Latin “Granum” (grain) for its structure holocrystalline, is a felsic intrusive igneous rock. Its composition more or less coarse can occasionally present megacrysts.
Unlike other natural stones, in ancient times the granite was not widely used probably for its technical properties that make it one of the hardest materials in the market. Today, however, thanks to modern machines and instrumentations, this rock is used both in a large scale for important intervenctions, both for small operations. Tough and ductile at the same time, it turns into many different formats adaptable to all situations.
Its strength is its toughness that makes it one of the best materials for the outdoor flooring because it allows to realize quality projects, ensuring their durability. Granite is a stone composed of minerals such as quartz, orthoclase (potassium feldspar), mica, which also determine the particular color, but also the different textures available. In particular, thanks to the quartz, this material is characterized by a gloss that does not pass unnoticed.
Moreover, thanks to special anti-stain treatments to counteract the porosity, the granite is one of the materials most resistant to corrosion in the trade, so as to maintain its brilliance and its color, which variation depending on the mineral composition.
Petra srl offers granite in different sizes, colors and possible achievements to meet the needs of all its customers. Come to visit us at one of our stores.